Safety Training
All Classes - Alpha Listing

Advanced Safety Certificate (NSC)
Through 12 training days and 7.8 CEUs, this popular safety certificate program will help you learn how to direct your organization's comprehensive safety plan with greater efficiency and success.

Aerial Lifts - Mobile Elevated Work Platforms (Scissor Lifts and Booms)
This class has been developed to include discussions of the equipment itself, such as system of controls, hydraulics, steering mechanisms, seat fall protection and other safety equipment, as well as the environment in which the equipment may be used.

Alive at 25
The Alive at 25 program is approved by the state of Maine for suspended license reinstatement.

Bloodborne & Airborne Pathogens
This course is ideal for many occupations, especially: Employees trained in first aid/CPR/AED and who are responsible for rendering medical assistance; first responders; healthcare professionals; teachers, coaches, school personnel and child care workers; custodians, hotel housekeepers and hospitality workers.

Certificate for Occupational Safety Managers (COSM)
As safety professionals move along in their career path they are in need of training designed for a high-level safety manager.

Certified Occupational Safety Specialist (COSS)
COSS is a training program designed by safety professionals for the entry level person, or for the experienced safety person who needs a refresher on safety.

Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Driver (CEVO 5 Ambulance)
This highly interactive, 6-hour instructor-led program adapts defensive driving techniques to the unique nature of ambulance work.

Coaching the Emergency Vehicle Driver (CEVO 4 Fire)
First introduced in the early '90s, the CEVO course for fire personnel quickly became accepted as standards in driver training for this field.

Coaching the Forklift / Lift Truck Operator
Coaching System's Lift Truck Operator Training is a comprehensive course designed for both new and experienced forklift / lift truck operators.

Coaching the Van Driver
Drivers will appreciate the program's non-lecture, participant-intensive educational approach.

Confined Spaces
In just four hours, you'll learn practices and procedures that will keep you in compliance and, best of all, protect your employees.

Crane & Hoist (Overhead & Gantry Cranes)
Our safety professionals translate OSHA regulations on overhead and gantry cranes into terms you can use, and show you how to put them into practice.

Crane Rigger
This class will teach basic rigging safety and techniques and provide the documentation necessary to prove your qualification.

Crane Signaling
This program includes both written and performance testing assuring the skills are learned and can be applied. Know the standard signals and techniques and receive the documentation to prove your qualification.

Crystalline Silica
Foremen, supervisors, and field personnel should attend this course to learn about health hazards, exposure monitoring, documentation, and compliance with the silica rule.

Defensive Driving Courses - Workplace
Whether your employees are assuming new driving tasks, experienced drivers, or commuting to work, this course provides them with safe-driving knowledge that focuses on behavior, judgement, decision-making and consequences.

Defensive Driving 10th Edition Instructor Course
This course provides the principle knowledge to teach NSC Defensive Driving Courses and the skills for creating a positive and interactive classroom experience.

Driver Improvement Courses
Our instructor-led courses provide collision prevention strategies and defensive driving techniques that focus on behavior, judgement, decision making and consequences.

Effective Safety Management Practices 1
A 2 day, 13 hour course designed for safety leaders, this course addresses safety management systems, the roles and responsibilities of safety professionals, leading safety management processes, safety performance measures and more.

Effective Safety Management Practices 2
This course provides the advanced knowledge required to implement a successful safety management system. It covers human and organizational performance, serious injury and fatality prevention, risk assessments, safety observation programs and more.

Electrical Safety
Our safety professionals translate OSHA regulations on electrical safety into terms you can use, and show you how to put them into practice.

Ergonomics: Managing for Results
The one-day NSC Ergonomics course will teach you how to reduce the number and severity of musculoskeletal injuries in your workplace through a practical and effective program.

Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans & Fire Prevention Plans
This course is intended for team leaders, middle managers, human resource personnel, safety and health committee members, and other employees who have recently been appointed to safety and health responsibilities or who are seeking knowledge on Subpart E.

Fall Protection
Fall Prevention training will increase awareness of hazards and workers' ability to prevent them, ultimately creating a safer work environment for all employees.

Fire Protection
Get the facts on OSHA's Fire Protection Standards - The National Safety Council's Fire Protection Compliance Training Seminar will show you how to reduce your risks.

First Aid, CPR & AED
The First Aid, CPR & AED training provided by the National Safety Council - New England Chapter focuses on hands-on practice and repetition, building more self-confidence so your employees can perform well during an emergency.

First Aid, CPR & AED Instructor Development Course
This course covers a proven, standardized method of teaching First Aid, CPR & AED with high effectiveness and you will be provided with the reasons and dynamics behind each topic or visual representation.

This course is a must for novice construction work zone flaggers in both one- and two-person flagging operations. Experienced flaggers can attend this course as a refresher.

Flagger Instructor Development Course
In this course, you'll learn to teach work zone crews standard flagging procedures and how to provide safe passage in and around work areas.

Forklift / Lift Truck Operator
Coaching System's Lift Truck Operator Training is a comprehensive course designed for both new and experienced forklift / lift truck operators.

Forklift / Lift Truck Operator - Rough Terrain
This rough terrain forklift safety training course will teach employees about the hazards and explain what you can do to prevent accidents and injuries when operating these lift trucks.

Forklift / Lift Truck Operator Instructor Development Course (Train-the-Trainer)
Utilizing the highly acclaimed "Coaching" method of non-lecture teaching, this information-packed classroom course encourages participants to observe, analyze and discuss recommended safety practices and offers a fresh approach to OSHA's long established Powered Industrial Truck Standard.

Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene
NSC is offering Fundamentals of Industrial Hygiene as a virtual, five-day virtual course covering 15 topics and four key processes in an effective industrial hygiene effort: anticipation, recognition, evaluation and control. This course is designed for safety, health, environmental and management personnel who have industrial hygiene responsibilities but limited training or experience in industrial hygiene.

Globally Harmonized Systems for Hazcom
Revised to incorporate the GHS standard, this course is a must for any organization with hazardous materials on premises.

These 8 hour, 24 hour and 40 hour courses are designed for general site workers who remove hazardous waste or who are exposed or potentially exposed to hazardous substances or health hazards. This course meets the requirements outlined in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for 8 hours of annual refresher training for workers at hazardous waste sites.

Incident Investigation
The NSC one-day Incident Investigation course focuses on techniques for gathering complete, accurate and objective incident data, establishing root causes, reporting findings and determining corrective action.

Industrial Hygiene Basics
This is a one-day course that introduces industrial hygiene terminology and principles, as well as practical approaches for recognizing, evaluating and controlling common workplace hazards.

Introduction to OSHA
Learn what it takes to comply with OSHA regulations, and how to avoid citations.

Job Safety Analysis
This NSC virtual, one-day course offers a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs.

Lift Truck / Forklift Operator
Coaching System's Lift Truck Operator Training is a comprehensive course designed for both new and experienced forklift / lift truck operators.

Lift Truck / Forklift Operator - Rough Terrain
This rough terrain forklift safety training course will teach employees about the hazards and explain what you can do to prevent accidents and injuries when operating these lift trucks.

Lift Truck / Forklift Operator Instructor Development Course (Train-the-Trainer)
Utilizing the highly acclaimed "Coaching" method of non-lecture teaching, this information-packed classroom course encourages participants to observe, analyze and discuss recommended safety practices and offers a fresh approach to OSHA's long established Powered Industrial Truck Standard.

Lockout / Tagout
This course is intended for those team leaders, middle managers, human resource personnel, safety and health committee members, and other employees who have recently been appointed to safety and health responsibilities or who are seeking the knowledge about the lockout/tagout OSHA regulation.

Machine Guarding
In just four hours, you'll learn practices and procedures that will keep you in compliance and protect your employees. Through discussion and activities, our professional facilitator will break down the regulation into terms you can understand.

Mobile Elevated Work Platforms - Aerial Lifts (Scissor Lifts and Booms)
This class has been developed to include discussions of the equipment itself, such as system of controls, hydraulics, steering mechanisms, seat fall protection and other safety equipment, as well as the environment in which the equipment may be used.

MSHA Part 46 Annual Refresher
In accordance with MSHA (Mine Safety & Health Administration) regulations, this one-day program covers 7 hours of training for the annual training requirements for owners and operators under 30 CFR Part 46.

MSHA Part 46 New Miner
All new miners are required by MSHA to complete 24 hours of training in their first 90 days of employment. Our office offers an 8-hour program that can assist mines in delivering a portion of this training, including the required 4 hours of training that is required by MSHA to be conducted before a new employee can enter a mine site.

OSHA 10 Hour Construction
This ten-hour course covers OSHA standards specific to the Construction Industry, 29 CFR 1926.

OSHA 10 Hour General Industry
Is your job site in compliance? Make sure it is with this course that will give your employees compliance essentials relevant to their job. Participants who complete this course will receive the OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Card certifying they have received the training OSHA requires.

OSHA 30 Hour Construction
This course provides comprehensive four-day training designed to give a thorough understanding of the most important occupational safety and health compliance issues in the construction industry.

OSHA 30 Hour General Industry
The 30 hour class establishes a foundation for the company safety program.

Personal Protective Equipment
In just four hours, we'll walk you through the key elements of the OSHA PPE regulation (29 CFR 1910.132-140, Subpart I), and show you how to protect your employees and your business.

Professional Truck Driver
Throughout the course, participants will learn how to recognize both potential and immediate hazards and how to avoid collisions in a variety of driving conditions and environments. Participants will be motivated to change their behind-the-wheel behaviors and attitudes by learning the best practice approach to safe and responsible driving.

Principles of Occupational Safety & Health (POSH)
This certificate provides you with solid knowledge of safety practices and terminology. You'll get the confidence you need to implement a comprehensive safety process in your organization.

In just four hours, we'll walk you through the key elements of OSHA's Recordkeeping Standard, and show you how to make it part of a well-managed, effective safety program.

Risk Assessment Workshop
Using case studies from multiple industries, this full-day virtual session will dive into real world examples to practice the techniques presented, and provide forms and templates for you to use as you address your organization's specific needs.

Safety Inspections
Our one-day Safety Inspections course provides an overview of the safety and health inspection process, then examines specific techniques to improve the process.

Safety Training Methods
This four-day training is challenging and interactive. This course will cover all the issues you'll likely face as the person responsible for safety training.

Scissor Lifts and Booms (Mobile Elevated Work Platforms - Aerial Lifts)
This class has been developed to include discussions of the equipment itself, such as system of controls, hydraulics, steering mechanisms, seat fall protection and other safety equipment, as well as the environment in which the equipment may be used.

Silica, Crystalline
Foremen, supervisors, and field personnel should attend this course to learn about health hazards, exposure monitoring, documentation, and compliance with the silica rule.

Supervisor's Safety Development Program
Supervisors and managers learn how to incorporate safety and health into their daily management process.

Team Safety
The NSC one-day Team Safety course shows you how to make group safety efforts work for your organization.

Van Driver Training (Coaching the Van Driver)
Drivers will appreciate the program's non-lecture, participant-intensive educational approach.

Welding, Cutting, and Brazing
Our professional facilitator will walk you through OSHA regulations pertaining to hot work.
Work Zone Technician
This introductory course provides technical training designed from the Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Participants will learn to install, modify, maintain and remove temporary traffic control (TTC) work zones.
Work Zone Technician Instructor Development Course
This one-day in-person instructor course will give you the tools to train an employee to deliver the 4-Hour Work Zone Technician Training Course at your Worksite.